
Elsewhere in this website we posed a question which was:

For most people to come up with an answer they would need to call their bank or check their statements. It’s like checking the oil in your car … until the red light comes on everything is presumed to be okay. Portfolio Financial Group acts as your red light and when it’s apparent that your interest rate could be improved, it’s time to meet and discuss your options.

Monitoring extends beyond just interest rates.

Here are some other things that we keep an eye on:


Are you paying down loans as fast as possible?
In what “order” are you paying off debt and is it the most efficient method?
Is it time to review cash flow?
What major purchases will you be making in the next 12 months and should we start preparing?
Are you adequately protected?
If applicable – is your accountant fully aware of your tax deductible loan benefits?

These are just a few ... the list goes on but the important thing to remember is :

You can't manage what you can't measure. Our role is to guide you through the process.